The Nest

The primary goal of The Nest project is to save children from a life on the streets. Many children suffer this fate, among other things, because their mothers are imprisoned, often for a poverty-related offense or because they severely neglected the children at home. But abandoned children are also taken in at the nest. In the long term, children in need and mothers released from prison are to be integrated into their families and into society.

We want to reintegrate children and mothers in need into society.

Our fields of work

Children's home Limuru

In the children's home in Limuru, a small town - 20 km northwest of Nairobi - up to 90 children in need between the ages of 3 and 18 are cared for, educated and medically treated.

Mother's Center
"Halfway House"

The "Halfway House" serves to reunite the released mothers with their children and to reintegrate them into society. This house is a focus of the social workers, whose demanding work consists of supporting the reintegration with special assistance and also accompanying it in the longer term.

Infant home
"Nest Baby Village"

In the direct neighborhood of the Halfway House, the infant home "Nest Baby Village" was opened in March 2014, where babies found without parents are cared for. The babies and toddlers can stay here until adoptive or foster families have been found for them.